What If You Were Financially Free? What Then?


What if you never had to think about money again? What would you do? How would you spend your time?

No, I don’t have a “get-rich-quick” solution for you. Sorry about that. And I’m not talking about the things you would buy or what awesome vacations you would take. What I’m getting at is how much influence your income has on your dreams. If you weren’t focused on a paycheck, would your career change? Would your ambitions be different? Would you spend your time differently?

This is a question I’ve asked myself many times. When I start to doubt if I should be do something else, I go back to this question. Lately, I’ve felt discouraged in my creative world and have been tempted to throw in the towel and go back to…anything else. Writer’s block, music booking challenges, financial stressors-all that good stuff contributes to this questioning.

Photo Shoot at the Oregon Dunes for “Outcasts & Refugees” - Listen to the album on Spotify. -Photography by Rebecca. D. Schnabel

Photo Shoot at the Oregon Dunes for “Outcasts & Refugees” - Listen to the album on Spotify. -Photography by Rebecca. D. Schnabel

If I take a step back and think about what I would do if I didn’t need an income, I can honestly say I would still do this. I would still play violin and write and be excited about the creative community. I will always do these things. And so, I have my answer. Whether I get paid for it or not, a life of creativity is for me.

Maybe you can’t quit your day job right now. Maybe you home school your kids. You can’t just do whatever you want. I get it. But by asking this question, it helps you learn what’s in your heart to do. It tells you what you can be working toward, what longings are inside you. It reminds me not to quit just because it gets hard.


How would you spend your time if money wasn’t a factor?


Take one tiny step toward your dream. Don’t give up just because it gets hard and things aren’t going the way you thought they would. You’re not alone.

P.S. Consider using a life coach. This was a small financial investment that proved to be life-changing. If you’re a musician, I highly recommend Kathy Kali.
