Who Says Ducks Fly?

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Amazon Affiliate: Kind reader, I just want you to be aware that I do make a commission if you use the affiliate links in this blog post.

Who says ducks fly?
Apparently, scientists do. Somehow, I missed this little memo in biology. It wasn’t until I was in my twenties that I learned these waddling critters could actually get off the ground.

I came to this piece of knowledge one summer when my husband and some friends had gathered around our old condo pool where a duck was casually swimming.

I’d forgotten something inside our place, ran back inside to get it, and when I returned, the duck had disappeared.

“Where’s the duck?” I asked, looking at the empty pool.

“It flew away,” was the explanation.

Ducks flying? Yeah right. I laughed it off, thinking everyone was messing with me. Ha ha, ducks can’t fly. Seriously, how did the duck get out of the gate?

Yep, you already know how this is going to end.

“Don’t you remember the Mighty Ducks? V formation?”

Okay, yeah. That’s right. Ducks can fly...I guess I was thinking it was just geese that did the V thing.

Just because we’re adults, there are things we just don’t know. Come to find out, cranberry trees don’t exist, either (see my previous blog). It’s embarrassing, but depending on where you grew up, what your family’s like, and how you spend your time, common knowledge is only common if it’s common to you.

What’s cool about not knowing everything is that it keeps me from thinking I have it all down. It’s a relief to accept the reality that I can’t know it all, and I don’t have to give the impression that I do. So next time you find out you don’t know something your friends do, congratulate yourself for not being perfect and welcome yourself to my world of happy, grounded ducks.

Saw these cuties on a little walk in Portland.

Saw these cuties on a little walk in Portland.


Where did you grow up? What was your worst subject in school?


Go to the zoo or the park or someplace where your local ducks gather. Watch them swim. It’s pretty fun.

The Mighty Ducks
Starring Emilio Estevez, Joss Ackland, Lane Smith