It’s Finally Here: Breathing Light Into 2022

When I was a kid, it seemed like a far off concept. 40... Old. And yet, in a blink, here I am. In 1981, I was a New Year’s Eve baby. Four decades later as we press into a new year, I don’t feel old at all. I feel too young to be 40. But I am weary. So weary. You probably are too.

Light In Progress - A Candle Drawing I’m working on

So how do we approach 2022? How do we maintain hope while accepting the uncertainty of our future plans? Here are a few things I’m trying to incorporate as I embrace the big 4-0.

-Take Deep Breaths

Right after midnight, I took 40 deep breaths. Rather than blow out candles and extinguish light, I want to inhale deeply and slowly. I want to give thanks for each year I have survived darkness. In, out, breathe. It really does help.

-Light More Candles

It’s pretty dark. The world is so full of pain that we can feel consumed by it. But all around me, I still catch bits of light.

When the pandemic first kicked off and we started recording church services at home, we had people get candles out and light them to set an intention for the time. This has made me quite the candle lover. I’ve started using them as art inspiration. When you feel sad and uncertain, I invite you to take a deep breath and light a candle. Enjoy the glow. Appreciate the beauty that one flame can bring. Just blow it out when you’re done. No more wildfires, please.

-Be Okay With the Fringe

I like to be liked. I hate it when someone is upset with me. These days, though, it’s impossible not to have someone who vehemently disagrees with you. Especially someone like me who is neither a Democrat nor a Republican. I’m not Baptist or Pentecostal. I love Jesus. I vote my conscience. I like musicals and psychological thrillers. I enjoy classical music and jazz and rock. I make mistakes and try to make amends when I screw up or have thought incorrectly. Accepting this messy middle is part of moving forward into the New Year.

-Celebrate Often

I used to hate my birthday. But this year, I am celebrating all the years I’ve been given. Celebrating small things is important too. There is so little we can depend on that it doesn’t make sense to wait for a party. We can celebrate a good workout. A good meal. A good night’s sleep. You can celebrate with a happy dance, a song, a phone call to tell a friend. The idea is to bring intentional honor, thanks and delight into our lives.

What’s going to happen in 2022? I have no idea. But I do plan to breathe and celebrate and light more candles.
Happy New Year to you from a woman who walks the messy middle! -Love Heidi Beth