Want to Read More in 2020?


You’re busy. I’m sure of it. Whether you work a 9-5 job, stay home with your kids, or run your own business, you have very little free time. This is the nature of our American culture. As time demands increase, there is less space in our life for things like rest. For being in nature. For reading. This is why we’ve got to encourage one another to make time for things that matter.

While I don’t think everyone should set the same “50 books a year” goals that I do, I believe reading is important. Stories are essential to our human journey, so whether you listen or read on your tablet, just keep on reading. Here are some suggestions to help you out this year.

Heidi’s Book-Crushing Tips

Set Your Goal

Step One: Decide how many books you want to read, and have a specific reading list in mind. Simple and effective.


Using Goodreads has been the biggest contributor to keep my reading on track. I know it seems incredibly childish, but at the end of the year when you reach your goal, this app lights up your phone with a digital party. I find this incredibly satisfying. Goodreads also allows me to see what my friends are reading and find out what’s trending in the literary world. Check it out today.

Book Clubs

I recently joined my first book club and am loving it. Whether you meet in person or chat it up online, having other people to talk with and keep you reading is what it’s all about.

Audio Books

I travel all over the Pacific NW, fiddling away, so I’ve come to rely on audio books in order to meet my reading goal. Honestly, I think I listen to as many books as I physically read, and I’ve decided that this is fine by me. I’m not cheating. As my friend pointed out, if we think reading to children is important, why should it be any different for adults?

Where do I get my audio books? Well, the CD player in my car is broken, so I use my iPhone to listen to everything. For a long time I relied on the books that my library had available, but I eventually decided that paying for an Audible a count was worth it. (Check out anything narrated by Scott Brick).


It might sound counter-intuitive, but there are movies that make me want to read and write more. Here are my favorites:

  • The Book of Eli

  • The Book Thief

  • Little Women

  • Beauty and the Beast

I also love to read a book then reward myself with seeing the movie. My favorites book/movie pairs include:
The Hunger Games
The Great Gatsby (particularly the newer version)
Mystic River

Make a list of books that have been made into films you want watch. Then you can be one of those people who says, “Oh, the book was wayyyyy better.”

Okay, gang. Whether it’s comic books, memoirs, or classic novels, I hope I’ve encouraged you to read more this year. Much love, Heidi


What’s your favorite book? What’s on your reading list this year?


Set your literary goal for the year and get reading.