5 Documentaries that Inspire Creativity

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Amazon Affiliate: Kind reader, I just want you to be aware that I do make a commission if you use the affiliate links in this blog post.

I didn’t always like documentaries. I suppose growing up, it seemed like too much work. And maybe it’s because the only sort of education filming I’d seen usually involved some oozing insects or some animal devouring another animal in the wild. Not my scene.

I’m so glad that in the past decade, I’ve come to have a much greater understanding of documentaries and the beauty in this film medium. It’s kind of like being able to go to a college class without having to turn in a ten page essay at the end. Score!

In honor of documentarians everywhere, here’s my list of films that inspire me to create.


-Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

If you know me, you’ve probably heard me talk about Mr. Fred Rogers. He’s one of my heroes. And while I watched the show off and on as a kid, I’ve come to value Mr. Rogers more so as an adult. I try to watch an episode or two every week and learn from the master of simple, peaceful art. This documentary of his life and work will make you laugh and cry and change the world, one person at a time.

-Alive Inside

This documentary is the reason I have a passion for music in memory care units. This film made me value of music in a way I can’t put into words. You have to see the footage for yourself. Here’s a preview that I trust will bring you great joy.

-Chef’s Table

I am constantly amazed by this show. I know that whenever I watch an episode, I will be floored by the cinematography and inspired by the featured chef. I love how this series truly presents each chef as an artist in their own right. Plus, I love to eat. This show makes me want to get up and cook with new ingredients. Most importantly, the show broadens my worldview and teaches me to be curious about other cultures, other foods, other people.

-Planet Earth

Wow! I’ve always believed in a Creator God, but seeing the footage in these episodes is even more powerful. The colors of the world, the textures of fur and feathers and scales. A mixed media planet, for sure. Plus, David Attenborough’s narration is as comforting as a cup of cocoa on a cold day.

-Forks Over Knives

This one might seem a little strange, and yes, I’ve already encouraged a food documentary. Am I pushing my plant-based meal preferences? Maybe a little. But one of the reason I love the Forks Over Knives is because it inspired me to think outside the box and expand my eating habits.

If you look at some of the vegan food out there, it’s delicious. It’s beautiful. I’ve come to appreciate the vibrant colors that live in our fruits and vegetables and herbs. Do I think that you should become a vegan? Honestly, food is something each person needs to make a decision about. But I do think it would be great for you to try eating things you never have, or maybe prepare them in a new way.

Okay, creatives.

That’s my list. I hope you’re inspired by these documentaries. Which reminds me — I think it’s about time to watch another episode of Mr. Rogers. ~Enjoy the journey, Heidi Beth


What are you favorite documentaries?


Watch a documentary and list three things you leaned and three things you want to know more of after watching it. Share your thoughts in the comments below so I can add it to my watch list.